Corvette vs Mustang Car show Immokalee Casino January 19th 2013 
There were a total of ten trophies given out to all the Corvettes in the show, our club managed to snag three of them The
Corvette contingent of our club had a great time at the Corvette vs
Mustang Shoot out Car show that was held at the Seminole Casino in
Immokalee. This show is part of the Motorsport show series that the
casino is sponsoring with Florida Hot Rods and Hogs Magazine. The
best part about these shows are that they are not only free but the
casino gives each entry money for food and gambling.

 The Zig Zag Girls from the Casino paid us a visit
Hey Tony and Larry, stop having so much fun 

It was a dirty job but someone had to do it
We can't wait for the next show on March 16th at this place |